Because/Because of

Before we can begin to understand the difference between "because" and "because of", we must first comprehend the difference between a phrase and a clause. Take a look at the following.

1. Reiko stayed home because of the rain.

2. Reiko stayed home because it was raining.

Which sentence contains a clause and which contains a phrase?

Of course, the first sentence contains a phrase and the second sentence contains a clause (because it has a verb). It should be clear to you now that because of is followed by a phrase and because is followed by a clause.

Now, let's practice using "because" and "because of". Complete each sentence below using the correct word(s).

Arnold married Kassandra ________ she was an excellent cook.
because of
Elena won the race ________ she cheated.
because of
Camilla stopped dating Yoichiro _______ his wife.
because of
Brazil beat Germany ________ Neymar.
because of
Fabio will not get married soon ________ he has five girlfriends.
because of
Han-Po fell asleep in class today ________ his girfriend's snoring the night before.
because of
Sana got the best grade on the test _______ she paid attention in class the week before.
because of

If you did not complete all seven sentences correctly, please try again.

The answers are:

1. Arnold married Kassandra because she was an excellent cook.
2. Elena won the race because she cheated.
3. Camila stopped dating Yoichiro because of his wife.
4. Brazil beat Germany because of Neymar.
5. Fabio will not get married soon because he has five girlfriends.
6. Han-Po fell asleep in class today because of his girfriend's snoring the night before.
7. Sana got the best grade on the test because she paid attention in class the week before.

Look, Listen, Write

Select an image among the eight displayed below.

Write what you heard in the audio clip in the text box below.
